Food, Rent & Unemployment
Rent Assistance
Unite CT Rental Assistance for Connecticut's Economy
Have you been financially impacted by COVID-19? Are you struggling to pay your rent and utilities?
Apply for UniteCT, a rental assistance program supporting CT residents who earn up to 80% of the HUD Area Media Income and their landlords. You may qualify for the opportunity to receive missed electric outstanding payments and/or missed rent or future rent payments.
To learn more and see if you qualify, visit

Asistencia de Emergencia Para Renta por la Economía de Connecticut​
Ha sido impactado finanieramente por el COVID-19? No le alcanza para pagar su renta y servicios básicos?
Solicite ayuda con UniteCT, un programa de asistencia de renta, ayundando a residentes de CT con un ingreso de hasta el 80% de Ingreso Medio del Área (HUD) y a los dueños de propiedades. Usted puede calificar para esta oportunidad y recibir pagos para facturas astrasadas de luz y pagos para facturas atrasadas de renta.
Para más información y saber si califica, visite:
Get Access to Food
With many parents being laid off because of COVID-19, and school being closed, it is important to make sure children and adults still have access to nourishing meals.
Breakfast and Hot lunches available to all New Haven Public School Students 11:00 AM-1:00 PM, Monday-Friday. Parents or guardians may pick up meals for their students to take home and the Student Number and Lunch Number will be needed for pick up. This document includes all of the pickup addresses.
The best one-stop for information on getting food is the City of New Haven's food website.
Food for people of all ages can be picked up from food pantries but it can be hard to know which food pantries are open. This list of when food is being distributed and where is updated regularly.
Unemployment & Public Benefits
CT has expanded access to Unemployment Insurance (UI) for COVID-19 related furloughs, layoffs and hour cutbacks. They have also extended UI to school employees who would not otherwise be covered in the summers and school vacations. There is no wait time to get benefits. For more information, click here.
To apply for Temporary Family Assistance (cash assistance), Medicaid, SNAP or other benefits, visit the Connecticut Department of Social Services benefit application page.
While Temporary Family Assistance recipients often are required to have an in-person meeting for recertification, this has been waived by Governor Lamont. Call the DSS Client Information Line and Benefits Center at 1-855-6-CONNECT (1-855-626-6632) and follow the prompts for the information you need.
Student loan borrowers with federal loans will be able to suspend their federal student loan payments without penalty and without accruing interest for at least 60 days. Borrowers who have federally held loans will have to make a request of their loan servicers/lenders over the phone or online.
Through their new "Q & A Blog Series" written by Connecticut Voices for Children's Distinguished Senior Fellow Shelley Geballe, J.D., M.P.H., Connecticut Voices for Children will be providing descriptions of, and updates about, government programs that can help you and your family survive the COVID-19 pandemic. This blog will start with an overview of federal and state programs that help parents and other workers who suddenly find themselves out of work, sick with the virus, or needing to care for others who are ill, or to care for their children because schools are closed.
If your income has fallen or been cut off completely, The New York Times is here to help. This guide will connect you to the basic information you’ll need to get through this, including on government benefits, free services and financial strategies.
This document from a local mutual aid network connects to a form for community members to share the needs they have and/or skills and resources they can offer in public or private formats so they can receive support from their neighbors. Mutual aid networks allow for greater reliance on community resources especially when there is a delay in government resources that can quickly serve community needs.
LEAP Counselors compiled the following helpful documents
Information and resources for communities​: Unemployment Insurance, TFA, Tax Assistance, Property Tax Relief, State & Federal Benefit Programs, and more.
CT Resources: Emotional Support Helpline, Food Resources, and Utilities.
​New Haven Covid Resources: Craft Ideas, Partner Resource Contact List, Food Assistance and more.